

Hiring a Private Investigator through online marketplaces such as Facebook, Upwork, Bark, Kjiji and others – BUYER BEWARE

Over the past few years many social media, app, and online platforms have expanded to offer a conduit between potential clients and service providers. This seems like a benefit to both consumers and small businesses, but when it involves hiring a Private Investigator or any other regulated professional, there are some genuine concerns. Many of these “marketplaces” or “freelancer” sites; where service providers and potential clients can connect, there is absence of vetting that the service providers are operating according to regulations, licensing, or other legal requirements.


How Much Does a Private Investigator Cost?

Most private investigation services are offered at an hourly rate plus expenses. Typically, rates can range anywhere from approximately….


What should I do before I Hire a Private Investigator?

Hiring a private investigator is a decision that is often difficult because it can involve issues of a personal nature, legal, or other contentious issue. A professional private investigation agency will take the time to discuss the matter with you and advise you on the feasibility, cost, and whether or not they can perform an investigation on your behalf.


Prevent contractor fraud and monetary losses when hiring a builder, contractor, or sub-contractor

With the increasing price of homes, renovations become more appealing to homeowners to increase the value of what is typically their largest asset. Unfortunately, what seems like an investment that could generate a return on investment of 60-80%, might result in a substantial loss if things go awry. Hiring a disreputable contractor can result in thousands of dollars in costs/losses


Titan Investigations Services for Insurance Claims 

Titan Investigations specializes in providing surveillance, inquiry/witness statements and open source intelligence (OSINT) investigations for insurance claims. For the past 13 years we’ve conducted investigations on behalf of senior litigation adjusters, bodily injury/ tort adjusters, catastrophic claims adjusters, and insurance defence lawyers. The success of our investigations is due to:


When you receive a substandard investigation report, does this clip come to mind?




Surveillance – Failing to plan is planning to fail -overview

We often get assigned surveillance investigations when previous companies were unsuccessful in obtaining any results. 


Insurance Industry Professionals content is restricted. Access can be obtained by insurance adjusters, insurance defence lawyers, and other professionals upon request. Please email for access.

Rural Surveillance requires common sense:

Conducting surveillance in rural areas can be extremely difficult. Rural communities are usually tight knit and well aware of people/vehicles that are either out of place or not from the area.


OSINT Investigations – incessantly evolving but one constant will always remain

OSINT investigations as they relate to the collection, analysis, and reporting of information retrieved from the Internet, have been a part of private investigations since the mid to late…


Comparison of Investigation Hours to Surveillance Video Footage Obtained

Titan Investigations Inc. , on average obtained approximately over 3 times more surveillance video footage of the claimant then other firms. Titan Investigations Inc. Total Investigation Cost is approximately 20% less, due to a focus on maintaining low and reasonable fees. As a result,  there was approximately 15-20% more time dedicated to surveillance.



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